Saturday, August 12, 2023

Bellyonaire Baby


Bellyonaire Baby

By N.K.Narasimhan


Once upon a time, there was a mother elephant named Ellie who had a baby elephant named Eddie. Ellie loved Eddie very much, but she was worried that he was getting too fat. She didn't want her little baby to grow up to be a big, lumbering elephant!


So one day, Ellie decided to talk to Dr. Fox about her concerns. She made an appointment and brought Eddie along with her.


When they arrived at Dr. Fox's office, Ellie explained her worries to the good doctor. "I think my little Eddie is getting too plump, and I don't want him to be overweight like me."


Dr. Fox listened carefully to Ellie's concerns and looked over Eddie's medical charts. Upon examination, Dr. Fox saw that Eddie was indeed a little overweight, but not by much.


"Don't worry, Ellie," Dr. Fox assured her. "A little bit of chubbiness is normal for a growing elephant. But there are a few things you can do to help Eddie stay healthy and active."


Ellie nodded eagerly, ready to hear Dr. Fox's advice.


"Well," said Dr. Fox, "You can encourage Eddie to go on walks with you. And maybe you could also teach him some fun exercises, like trunk stretches and tail wiggles!"


Ellie looked skeptical. "Do elephants even do exercises?" she asked.


Dr. Fox grinned. "Of course they do! And besides, it will be a fun way for you two to bond."


Ellie thought it over and decided that it was a good idea. She thanked Dr. Fox for his help and left the office with Eddie.


From then on, Ellie made it a point to take Eddie on walks every day, and they practiced their trunk stretches and tail wiggles whenever they had the chance. Eddie loved it, and Ellie was happy to see him getting more active and healthy.


And as for Ellie's weight worries? Well, let's just say that she learned to love herself just the way she was. Because really, who doesn't love a good, plump elephant?

Mmm... What about Eddie? She adored every inch of the fast growing Bellyonaire Baby!

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